
8+ ugly ducklings that blossomed into super attractive people

9. Freshman 20 And 3 Years Later

Here we can clearly see what a little training can do to your body. He also seems to have gained a lot of confidence over those three years, which is great.

10. Holy Freckles Batman

It would not be fair to say that it was an ugly duck like a child and those freckles look cute on children. On the other hand, he became a handsome man.

11. Fast Forward

This is a truly incredible personal transformation. We all possess an inner beauty that awaits only to be discovered and manifested in beautiful looks that everyone can admire. If it worked for him, it could work for everyone.

12. “I feel like I’ve made some progress”

Let’s forget about that childhood photo, it’s the gift that counts, right? We’re not going to be modest like she was and call it a small improvement; it’s huge.

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