
9+ Things overlooked in movies that bother people

9. Accent is a gift

Have you ever noticed that in Disney movies, the accent of the main character is always different from the villain and the rest of the cast? To be more precise, the protagonists have an American accent while the antagonists have a British accent. Have you also noticed how the other characters end up with a focus based on where the story takes place?

10. “Weekend at Bernie’s”, impossible premise

The 1989 film “Weekend at Bernie’s” may be funny, but its premise is ridiculous. Can you imagine how people didn’t notice that a dead man was with the two main characters for an entire weekend? Didn’t they smell him? It seems like an impossible situation that people chose to ignore because Jonathan Silverman and Terry Kiser were too funny.

11. Parents did not want to believe in Santa

The movie “The Santa Clause” clearly shows parents who have huge trust issues. All the evidence of Santa’s existence is there and yet they still refuse to believe that he is real. Children receive gifts from an unknown donor at Christmas. Who else but Santa, right?

12. The Incredible George McFly

In real life, a man would never trust another man with his house keys, especially if that man almost raped his wife. However, George McFly from the movie “Back To The Future” seems to be a different man because everything was going well for him! Why, George, why?

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